What is gravlax? Cured salmon. It could not be easier. If you like nova lox (as in lox and bagels) this is probably for you. It is actually less salty than nova lox, and you can control the salt by how much rinsing you do after it’s cured.
Homemade gravlax
1 lb. skin-on salmon filet
2 tbsp kosher salt (or 1 ½ tbsp table salt)
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp dried dill
Line a glass (or non-reactive) loaf pan with plastic wrap. In a small bowl stir together the salt, sugar and dill.
Cut the salmon into 2 equal-size pieces. Put one piece skin side down in the loaf pan. Scatter half of the curing mix over it. Lay the second piece, skin side up, on piece number one, with the thick side over the thinner side of it. Nestle it together in other words. Sprinkle on the remaining curing mix. Wrap the plastic tightly around the salmon and weight it down with some jars or cans. Refrigerate for 2-3 days. Turn the salmon every 12 hours.

It’s done. Rinse the salmon pieces well under cold water and dry them with paper towels. Wrap in fresh plastic and store in the fridge. It will keep for a number of days, although in our house it don’t last long. To serve, slice against the grain very thinly. Put it on eggs, bruschetta, blanched potato slices, or whatever.
Oh yes, lox and cream cheese on bagles..my mom loves that! I can remember the first time I tried it I was not yet a fan of fish and well, it didn't sway me at the time...BUT...I do love it now. I didn't realize making gravlax was so simple!!
I could go for a large sample of that right now! Bet it is delicious and is definitely worth a try. I can see it on a plate with scrambled eggs and green onions or as an appetizer. It sounds effortless and adds a touch of class. Perfect for the approaching holidays! Thanks for the recipe!
It's. That. Easy?! Goodness! Why haven't I done this before? And yours came out so beautifully.
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