Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jen's grilled potatoes

We’ve seen Jen’s grilled potatoes ( on a number of her plates. She was kind enough to describe to me how she makes them. Oddly enough mine don’t look anything like hers. Some of the difference must be that she uses her gas grill and mine were done on the stovetop. But I’m here to tell you they are magnificent. Peter and I have added them to our “keeper” list. I made this with just one large russet potato, which was plenty for the two of us for dinner last night.

Instead of adding salt and pepper I just used a grill seasoning (the first ingredient of which is salt). This is extremely easy and is a wonderful variation on a potato “side.”

Another wrinkle is altitude. Jen advised some vigilance during blanching so as not to get the potatoes to the point where they might start to break up. In Denver water boils at about 203 degrees. A full five minutes seemed just right. Thanks, Jen.
By the way, the protein on the plate was a magificent piece of pork milanesa.

Jen’s grilled potatoes
1 large russet potato, skin on
olive oil
grill seasoning

Slice the potato into ¼” circles.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add salt to the water and blanch the potatoes for 5 minutes. Remove and dry on paper towels.

Heat a stovetop grill over high heat. When the potatoes are cool enough to handle, brush them with olive oil and sprinkle with grill seasoning or salt and pepper (both sides of course).

Cook on the grill until tender and browned – mine took somewhere between 15 and 20 minutes.


Unknown said...

Those look fantastic Stephen!!! I'm glad you enjoyed them so much.. it's our favorite potato side dish! Love the picture of them on the grill! Once you go grilled potatoes, you never go back! lol

Andrea the Kitchen Witch said...

Between you Stephen and Jenn I'm feeling peer pressure to make these potatoes :) They look wonderful Stephen, nice color!

PS in this case peer pressure is a good thing :) I can't wait to try these potatoes.

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