Wednesday, March 16, 2011

An old dog learns new tricks (part 2)

It's been an interesting exercise to post recipes before actually preparing them. The good news: the jalapeno poppers were everything I hoped for - crisp, spicy, and with a creamy center of corn kernels and a Mexican cheese mix. I bumped the oven up to 450 degrees. They were done somewhere between 15 and 20 minutes. The bad news: the sweet potatoes were limp and soft - albeit very flavorful. There was just no crispness to them at all. My next post (probably tomorrow morning) will be for a celery soup. Thanks in advance to Mary of "One Perfect Bite" for the "loan" of a photo. "See" you in the morning.


Andrea the Kitchen Witch said...

I agree Stephen, such inspiration from our fellow bloggers!! Your recipes sound great, can't wait to hear how they turn out :) And whats up with no jalapeƱos???? I can send you some from Colorado if you need, lord knows we've got tons here LOL

Pam said...

I love both of these recipes. I especially like that you added corn to your poppers... I bet it gave them a great texture.

Bo said...

I'm not the biggest fan of sweet potato fries...I prefer a russet...but I've had them at a restaurant with a white truffle mayo dipping sauce...and damn were they good.

Unknown said...

I love sweet potatoes...and making them into fries, if done right are my all time favorite way to consume them! Let me know if they came out crispy...last time I baked some they were quite soggy and I was disappointed. I'm gonna try dredging my jalapenos next time and baking them...I wonder how they will compare to the deep fried ones?

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your poppers look wonderful but I have a question about the sweet potato fries. Did they really get crisp? Mine always develop great flavor but are limp and really bendy.

Feel free to use the photo. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

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